Santa Ana Government Facility

Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico

This project for the Santa Ana Pueblo included a 31,000 square foot tribal government and court complex with Tribal Council chambers. JEL was responsible for the civil engineering design including the site layout for new water and sewer utilities. The grading and drainage calculations for all on-site storm water management were completed by JEL. Scope of work included design of all new roads and parking lots for the government facility site. $14 million

  • Santa Ana Government Facility, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
  • Santa Ana Government Facility, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
  • Santa Ana Government Facility, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico

Contact us

  •  Address (Mailing)

    891 Summit Dr
    Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730

  •  Address (Physical)

    891 Summit Dr
    Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730

  •  Get Any Help

    (406) 600 9779
    (505) 238 2217